QCDA Disability in Curriculum Project
On 2nd October 2009 a successful Steering Group meeting was held in London. The PowerPoint presentation is available in pdf format. download
Disability in the Curriculum : An annotated resource list printed and web based
Resources (1)
This disability equality material is designed to help primary and secondary teachers to embed teaching and learning about disability equality positively in their practice and planning of the curriculum.
The material was developed by World of Inclusion with the support and sponsorship of the Qualification & Curriculum Development Agency. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect the position of the QCDA.
It is highly recommended that teachers using the material here read this article Understanding the Social Model of Disability and what it means when raising disability in the School Curriculum.
Below you can download some of the materials that have been developed with schools working on the project.
Resources for raising disability in the curriculum, written and web based download
QCDA Disability and Curriculum film clips
Nine films of schools working on the project