World of Inclusion provides draft for ATL equality: disabled education staff
This guidance aims to provide an overview of the rights of disabled workers in schools and colleges and provide practical advice for union reps and members on how to achieve equality for disabled staff.
One in five school and college students have some form of long term impairment or special educational need and they benefit enormously from having staff who are themselves disabled.
Many disabled staff have experience of disabling barriers and how to challenge them effectively and develop strong self-esteem. However, if such staff are made to feel uncomfortable or harassed at work they are far less likely to act as positive role models to the school and college community.
This guidance examines the Equality Act definition of disability, issues of disclosure and confidentiality and suggest areas of good practice.
ATL is also committed to influencing greater awareness of mental health issues in education and to tackling the stigma and ignorance often shown by those who still do not understand about mental ill health.
Published January 2016 equality-disabled-education-staff-atl-guidelines published January 2016
Times Educational Supplement 5th February 2016