
World of Inclusion provides:

  • Consultancy and training on implementing Article 24 of UNCRPD and Inclusive Education
  • Training on Inclusive Education for Educators, Administrators, Principals, Parents and Disabled People
  • Training and advice on the Implementation of UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Training on Inclusive Education for Educators, Administrators, Principals, Parents and Disabled People
  • Assemblies and classroom sessions on disability equality
  • Training on Disability and the Media
  • Training on the Implementation of UN Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities
  • Consultancy and support for schools on developing their Disability Equality Schemes
  • Consultancy on reorganising education systems to become inclusive
  • Consultancy and training for teacher trainers
  • Empowerment work with disabled young people

Richard Rieser is the managing director of World of Inclusion Ltd and is an expert disabled international equality trainer, consultant, film maker and writer and teacher.

Download Richards Recent CV

Bio/CV Richard Rieser, Consultant on Inclusive Education and Disability Equality. www.worldofinclusion.com rlrieser@gmail.com
In United Kingdom
Training on Inclusion, Disability Equality and implications of the New SEN/Disability Framework for local authorities. For the last 30 years, Richard advised and led on the development of strategies and good practices for implementing inclusive education in London, across the UK and around the world. This included advising the UK Government as a member of the National Advisory Group on SEN, 1997-2002. Leading projects on what constitute reasonable accommodations in 41 schools, leading to 5 ½ hours of films sent to all English schools – The Reasonable Adjustment Project, 2003 -2006 for DFES http://worldofinclusion.com/v3/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/RAP-document-with-youtube-links.pdf Examining the implementation of policies and empowerment of young disabled people in 47 schools, 2008 for DCFS http://www.worldofinclusion.com/res/impact/dpdes.doc
Developing ways of raising awareness of disability in the curriculum from a social model perspective with 25 schools producing 9 films http://worldofinclusion.com/resources/#curriculum and developing curriculum materials for Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2009-2010.
Worked with the Anti Bullying Alliance, 2014-2015 to produce resources for teachers and schools to challenge disabilist language and name calling. Made 6 films of two day student workshops, in 2 secondary and 4 primary schools, the materials developed and used, a guide for teachers and a guide to raising disability in the school curriculum. https://www.anti-bullyingalliance.org.uk/tools-information/all-about-bullying/sen-disability/disablism-class
CEO of World of Inclusion since 2009. Produced a series of films of Inclusion Working at Emersons Green Primary, Wroxham Primary, Priestnall Secondary, 2015 http://worldofinclusion.com/inclusion-working-in-2015/ Eastlea Secondary, 2017 http://worldofinclusion.com/eastlea/
Continues to provide disability equality and inclusion training to schools and local authorities.
Wrote 2 chapters in Education, Equality and Human Rights. Edited by Mike Cole. Published by Routledge http://worldofinclusion.com/v3/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Inclusive-Education-Chapter-8.pdf
http://worldofinclusion.com/v3/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/The-Struggle-for-Disability-Equality-RR-chapter-7-Copy.pdf Each chapter updated to take account of the changing nature of the challenges faced in achieving disability equality and inclusive education (2000, 2006, 2012 and 2018).
Co-authored with Micheline Mason ‘Disability Equality in the Classroom: A Human Rights Issue’ (ILEA, 1990, DEE, 1992) The first handbook in education written from a social model perspective. 10,000 were distributed. http://worldofinclusion.com/res/deinclass/DEC1.PDF
A teacher training pack for Comic Relief called ‘Altogether Better, From Special Educational Needs to Inclusion’ (1994). More than 10,000 were sold. http://worldofinclusion.com/res/altogether/AltogetherBetter.pdf
Co-authored with Phillipa Stobbs ‘Making it Work: Removing Disability Discrimination’ (CDC, 2002). Making it Work is a pack of materials to support training on the schools’ duties in the Disability Discrimination Act and implementation of the duties of 2001 Act. http://www.worldofinclusion.com/res/making/Making_it_Work.pdf
Wrote and co-produced ‘Disabling Imagery’ with the British Film Institute a web resource for schools (2004, BFI/DEE) http://worldofinclusion.com/v3/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/wetransfer-dacfa2.zip
‘All Equal All Different’ A Resource Pack for Disability Equality in Early Years and KS 1 (2004, Disability Equality in Education/UK Disability Forum for European Affairs). http://worldofinclusion.com/resources/#early-years
Founder and Director of Disability Equality in Education (DEE) 1998-2008. Devised materials, including five training manuals for Schools, Early Years, Post Schools. A primary and secondary pack on the 2005 Duty to Promote Disability Equality. Delivered through a training network of disabled equality trainers developed by Richard and funded by Comic Relief, then the Department of Education. DEE trained 150,000 education professionals by 2008. http://worldofinclusion.com/res/early/Early_Years_coursebook.pdf

Vice Chair of the Council for Disabled Children, 1998-2011
Chair of the Alliance for Inclusive Education, 1991-2003
Member of the DWP Advisory Committee Equality 2025, 2005-2010
Member of the Special Education Consortium Steering Group and contributed to the disability elements of the 2015/16 (DFE) SEN Disability Code of Practice
Member of the Ministry of Justice SENDIS Tribunals since 2001
Member of the Social Entitlement Chamber since 2014
National Coordinator of UK Disability History Month since 2010. 20th November to 20th December annually. Produces many resources for education www.ukdhm.org
All the above provides a firm foundation for advising, judging good practice and identifying gaps in developing inclusion and disability equality.
Mumbai, India – 5 day course for participants from across Asia on the Community Initiatives In Inclusion, February 2018.
Kiev, Ukraine – Key Note at Step by Step Renaissance Foundation Conference on Inclusive Education, 2017.
Sibu, Borneo, Malaysia – Key Note and workshops at SEN in Malaysia 4th Conference, 2017
Austria, European Agency on Social Needs Seminar on Personal Assistance, Contributor, 2017
Kuching, Malaysia – Keynote and workshops at the 2nd International Conference on Special Education. 13 South East Asian Countries represented.
Mumbai, India – 3 day course for participants from across Asia on the Community Initiatives in Inclusion, 2017.
Dhaka, Bangladesh – 3 presentations and Key Note at 4th International Asian Conference on Inclusive Education, 2017.
Geneva, Switzerland, OHCHR – 3 day Conference on Impact of UNCRPD 10 years after adoption, 2016. Spoke on Inclusive Education, Disability and the Media.
UNCRPD Committee, Geneva, Switzerland – General Day of Discussion on Article 24, Inclusive Education. Invited contributor to day’s discussion, 2015. Followed by written comments identifiable in the printed text of General Comment No 4 (Sept. 2016) http://worldofinclusion.com/crpd-committee-day-of-general-discussion-on-article-24-education15th-april-2015/
Galway University Law Department – Key note on UNCRPD ‘Is segregation in education ended?’ 2014 http://worldofinclusion.com/v3/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Preparing-teachers-to-include-children-with-disabilities-Internationally-what-works-well-2.pptx
Nairobi, Kenya – Consultancy on developing an Inclusion/SEN Policy Framework in South Sudan and led a week’s training for Government officials in Nairobi, 2014. Now published as country plan to develop inclusive education http://worldofinclusion.com/south-sudan-inception-report/
Bhutan – South Asia UNICEF seminar on Developing Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities. Key Note. 2013. Gave results UNICEF Project on Preparing Teachers for Children with Disabilities.
SAALED Southern African Education Ministers’ Conference, Key Note and Teachers’ Professional Development Conference on Developing Inclusive Education, 2013.
Completed project for UNICEF-REAP ‘Educating Teachers for Children with Disabilities’, assisted by EENET consultants, 2013. Lengthy and wide-reaching literature review, mapping and scoping exercise. Final report was a comprehensive set of recommendations, guidelines and checklists for developing the capacity of teachers around the world to include children with disabilities. http://worldofinclusion.com/unicef-project-educating-teachers-for-children-with-disabilities/
Papua New Guinea – Commonwealth Foundation funded six day training for Commonwealth Pacific Island Countries on the UNCRPD and its implementation to disabled men, women and youth from 9 countries held in Port Moresby, 2011.http://worldofinclusion.com/commonwealth-pacific-island-countries/
Other Projects
Complete revision and expansion of the book, ‘Implementing Inclusive Education: a Commonwealth Handbook on Implementing Article 24 of UNCRPD’ Commonwealth Secretariat, 2012. http://worldofinclusion.com/v3/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Implementing-Inclusive-Education-promo-copy1.pdf (First edition published 2008) http://worldofinclusion.com/res/internat/Commonwealth_Guide.pdf This examines examples of best practice at national, regional/district and school level from across the 54 countries of the Commonwealth and beyond. Develops an analysis of the requirements for full implementation of Article 24. Identifies barriers and opportunities at international, national, regional and local level. Focuses on the crucial role parents, their organisations and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPOs) have played in implementing Inclusive Education. Identifies key determinants of the way forward, including a chapter on teacher education.
‘Include Us All’, 2011. Booklet of examples of effective practice from around the world, aimed at influencing the development of inclusive education in China, for Harvard Disability and Law.
Joined UNICEF interest group on the successor to the UNESCO Flagship for Inclusive Education, the Global Partnership for children with disabilities education group, 2011.
Worked with the UNICEF Russia Office to analyse barriers to inclusive education, 2007 – 2010. Collaborated with Perspecktiva on 3 year European funded project to develop Inclusive Education in Russia. Involved developing a training course and delivering it in 5 cities in Russia to Educationalists and DPOs and setting up 2x 1week study tours of Inclusion in UK for Russian participants. http://worldofinclusion.com/res/internat/Moscow_April_2008.doc
South African Government project to film Inclusive Education in 10 primary schools and deliver training workshops in 5 provinces, 2008 – 2009. Funded by DfID. http://www.redweather.co.uk/developing-inclusive-education-in-south-africa.htm
SAFOD Day Training Workshop on Developing Inclusive Education in Southern Africa, 2007. Participants – DPOs, Parents, Ministries of Education from Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe. DfID funded. http://worldofinclusion.com/res/internat/Southern_Africa_Workbook.doc
Worked with UNICEF Innocenti Centre, Florence to develop policy document Digest 13 ‘Promoting the Rights of Disabled Children’, 2007. http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/unyin/documents/children_disability_rights.pdf
UK Disability Movement (UKDPC) representative to the UN Ad Hoc committee which drew up the UNCRPD, 2005 – 2012. Regularly attended and spoken at the annual UN Conference of State Parties and contributed to the debates and wording of Article 24.
UK Rep on the European Disability Forum, 2004 – 2012 elected by UK Disabled People’s Council, previously UK Forum for Disability in Europe. Attended 3 monthly Board meetings. Moderated meeting in Brussels on implementation of the Standard Rules on Equalisation, 2006. Spoke on Inclusive Education at Conferences in Spain (one as a moderator), France, Germany, Greece, Slovenia and Hungary. Commissioned to run training for succession countries on Disability Equality and Employment rights in Rumania, Hungary, Malta, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Serbia, Poland. Consultant on EU funded project on Disability and the Media.
World of Inclusion has delivered training on implementing Article 24 and the UNCRPD to parents, DPOs, teachers and administrators from many countries, including: Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bhutan, Botswana, Bulgaria, Canada, Ethiopia, Fiji, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Korea (South), Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Rumania, Russia, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Solomon Islands, South Africa, South Sudan, Spain, Swaziland, Tonga, UAE, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom, USA, Zambia, Zimbabwe.
Biographical details
Richard has lived as a disabled person since contracting polio myelitis which affected his left leg, chest and right arm, when 9 months old in 1949.
Work – Qualified teacher, lecturer, researcher, trainer, film maker, writer, consultant, activist, disabled person.
Secondary, primary, special school teacher, FE and university lecturer for 25 years. Advisory teacher for Disability. Advisory teacher for Inclusion. London Borough Hackney.
Director of Charity Disability Equality in Education.
CEO World of Inclusion Ltd since 2009.
Education – Kynaston Technical Secondary School, Swiss Cottage. 8 GCE O’ levels, 3 A’ levels. King’s College London, 1967. BSc in Geography (2.1) with Social Anthropology and Social Psychology, 1970. MPhil in Social Geography, London School of Economics, 1970–1973.PGCE London Institute of Education, 1977–1978.